Ayurvedic Wellness Circle
Monday evenings 18h30 – 20h00 (SA time)
Start: 3 February ‘25
End: 24 February ‘25
(4 sessions)
Maximum 6 participants
To continue your journey I am offering a 50% discount to the participants of the course for my seasonal Ayurvedic Online Cleanse happening 31 March – 6 April ’25
Cost: per person
(maximum 6 participants)
What you can expect:
This course is for you if:
It is easier to navigate self care, healing and wellness together and in community. In this course we will help each other by connecting, remembering, honouring, healing and holding each other accountable.
Module 1: We are all unique beings, what is our constitution and how can we work with it
Module 2: Ayurvedic principles: Agni (Digestion) – Ama (Toxin’s) – Oja’s (Immunity)
Module 3: Ayurvedic Eating principles
Module 4: Deepening into Ayurvedic Nutrition and Eating psychology
Logistics + Flow
In each weekly session, we will sit together and take space to orient ourselves to our own unique phase of where we are at. We will observe phases of the moon, stars and seasons. We will touch in with Ayurvedic self-care and learn how to optimally nourish ourselves. We will journal, meditate, and increase our capacity for the important work of self care. We will turn our attention away from the constant flow of needs that surround us and return it toward our deep-seated needs, whatever they may be. We will listen deeply to one another, and be witnessed.
Each week, you will be gifted with self-care practices, recipes and other tools that help you embody the theme of that week’s circle.
You will learn how to listen – and respond – to your needs with greater precision and compassion.
Prepare to be delighted by what you may discover. Some of it may feel luxurious, some of it may feel challenging, some of it may feel like a coming home to yourself and some of it may feel like a reinvention or upgrade of yourself.
All sessions will take place live on Zoom. We will meet each Monday from 18:30–20h00, beginning 3 February and ending 24 of February 2025.